As we move into Thanksgiving week, we should all take a moment to be thankful for Corte Madera FC. We are grateful for our trainers and parent coaches who work hard to help our kids become better soccer players and, more importantly, better people. We are grateful for our players who bring their best selves to practices and games and for their willingness to work hard to improve themselves and their teams. We are grateful for our parent community and the ongoing support of our program. We are all lucky to be a part of this vibrant soccer community.

Submit End of Season Feedback please! 

Now that the fall season is winding down for most teams, we want to hear from all of you. Your input is important to us as we continue to develop and grow our program. This is your opportunity to give candid feedback on what really works AND what could be improved upon. All responses will remain anonymous. From the summer training camp to trainer or parent coach feedback, please take some time to let us know what you think!

Sign up for Spring Soccer Clinics NOW! 

New and improved 2022 Corte Madera FC Spring Clinics are here!  For players with previous competitive experience training will be offered FOUR days a week over a 6-week session beginning in March. Players born between 2008 and 2014 can attend AS MANY or as few days a week as they are able to.

For more information, see our website: