2022 Spring Skills Clinic
2022 Corte Madera FC Competitive Spring Clinics begin March 14th. Registration is open! Training sessions will now be offered FOUR days a week over a 6-week session (no class April 4-8). 2014 birth year to 2008 birth year players can attend AS MANY or as few days a week as they are able to. This year’s clinics, run by Michael Sharp and our competitive trainers, are specifically designed with the multisport athlete in mind. Players with other spring commitments will always be able to navigate around their other activities and find training days that work best for them. Players will increase individual skills, understanding of the game, and fitness. Scrimmages everyday for lots of FUN!
2022 Competitive Clinic Schedule (2008-2014 birth years):
- Weeks of March 14th through April 28th (no clinic April 4-7):
- Monday through Thursdays: 3:30-5:00pm
All clinics will be held at Town Park in Corte Madera, or Neil Cummins blacktop, if needed. No clinics the week of April 4th due to Spring Break.
Register early as there are limited spots available.
Registration for 2022 Spring Clinics will be on the Corte Madera Parks and Rec website. Clinics will be found under: Youth Programs: Sports and Exercise. You can also call the Rec Center to register. Registration will begin December 1st, 2021.
Course names and links are:
*Please note: Players must have previous competitive experience to register for the competitive clinic. Recreational and Kinder/1st grade clinics are also offered by grade on the Corte Madera Parks and Recreation website.
Spring Soccer Clinic CMFC Competitive
Competitive Clinic: $300
Sign up through the Corte Madera Park and Rec website:
Contact cortemaderafc@gmail.com with any questions